How can I port SAPIENTA or SAPIENT to work with other XML schemas?

Posted on 11 November 2010 14:09

There are two aspects to this question, namely the following:

(a) How can SAPIENT recognise papers written in other XML schemas?

(b) How can SAPIENT annotate papers according to annotation schemas other than CISP?

In answer to (a) see question 6

Two example documents are downloadable from the Software page of this site to give you an indication of how SAPIENT will work. The first one, test.xml, is a full paper in SciXML and the second, testsmall.xml is a minimal version of a document that will be accepted by SAPIENT.

In answer to b), in order to write your own sentence based schemas to use with SAPIENT, you need to obtain the source code for SAPIENT (the source code for SAPIENTA is not available for download at this stage). To this, you need to add a new .xsl file in the package and substitute mode2.xsl for this new file wherever it is referenced in The latter class is found in the package.

To give you an example of an alternative annotation schema we have included the dummy fruit.xsl. Instructions are available as comments in fruit.xsl, mode2.xsl and art-tool.js . Re-compile SAPIENT running ant and you will have a new version of SAPIENT, working for your particular sentence base annotation schema.

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